
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Yada with WhatsApp in five simple steps. We've tied as much as possible to take this otherwise confusing process and create a sequence of steps which can be easily followed to integrate Yada with WhatsApp

The Yada <> WhatsApp integration only works with WhatsApp for Business

This guide assumes you haven't done anything yet to set up a whatsapp for business account. If you've already done some of this, please feel free to skip to the most relevant section.

Step 1 - Verify your Business with Facebook

In order to connect your WhatsApp to yada, your business needs to be verified on Facebook. Detailed instructions on how to do that are available on Facebook’s Business Help Center page. You will be required to provide additional information about your business and wait for the verification to be completed.

Step 2 - Create a WhatsApp Business App

While your business is being verified you can go ahead and start setting up the rest of the information needed to connect yada with WhatsApp.

Head over to developers.facebook.com/apps, click on Create App and follow the steps to create a developer app.

Once you've created the developer app, you will need to add some details.

Step 3 - Configure the Developer App

You will need to add the WhatsApp and Webhooks products

Once these two products have beed added, they'll show up in the left bar

Select your business phone number in WhatsApp Quickstart settings. That’s the number through which your guests will be contacting your busienss on WhatsApp. If you don’t know how to add a phone number to WhatsApp, you can follow this official tutorial.

Make sure to copy the AccountID somewhere - you will need it to integrate with yada

As a next step, go to your app’s basic settings and set your Privacy policy URL, Contact email and Category. Once you’ve done that, set your app to live at the top.

While on this page, also take note of your App secret and App ID which you will also need to paste into the Yada Dashboard

This App Secret is really important and you'll need it to connect WhatsApp to the Yada API

Step 4 - Generating WhatsApp Access Token

To generate an access token required to integrate with WhatsApp you will need to go to business.facebook.com/settings/system-users. Make sure you are looking at the correct business account.

First, you need to create a user with admin permissions. Keep in mind that there can be only one admin account.

Once the admin user is created, select Add assets under the Assigned Assets section.

Select Apps, choose your app with WhatsApp integration and give it full control to Manage App.

Next, you will need to generate a new token. Press the Generate new token button and select your app. In the Available Permissions section select two permissions: whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_management.

Finally, copy the generated access token.

MAKE SURE TO COPY THE TOKEN. It is not stored by facebook so if you don't copy it you'll have to generate the token again.

Video Tutorial

Step 5 - Connect WhatsApp to Yada

In the previous steps you've gotten these three fields

  • Account ID

  • App Secret

  • Permanent Access Token

Once you've gotten these three fields, you are ready to connect WhatsApp to Yada

You need to have a paid Yada account to connect to WhatsApp

First, Head to the Powerups page and click on the WhatsApp card. Once you're in here you'll need to copy the above fields into their corresponding inputs

Once yada has been integrated with WhatsApp, you'll get the Webhook Callback URL and the verification secret. Copy these as you'll need them to connect the WhatsApp webhook to Yada and start receiving messages

Step 6 - Connect the WhatsApp Webhook to Yada

The final step will be to integrate and verify the Quickchat webhook endpoint which will receive your message events. Go back to developers.facebook.com/apps, select your app and open your app’s WhatsApp Quickstart settings. Click on the Edit button for webhooks.

Paste in the callback URL and verify token into the following fields

Once the Callback URL has been correctly added, click on the Manage webhook fields button.

Subscribe to the messages fields and select Done to continue.

Make sure to select version v15.0 or v16.0 --- NOT v9.0

Once correctly configured and saved, your Webhooks sections is going to look something like this:

Last updated